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Phillip Phillips The World From The Side Of The Moon (2012)FLACl


This synthetic-aperture radar image was obtained by NASA's Cassini spacecraft during its T-120 pass over Titan's southern latitudes on June 7, 2016. The area shown here measures about 40 by 60 miles (70 by 100 kilometers) and is centered at about 60 degrees south latitude, 130 degrees west longitude. Radar illuminates the scene from the left at a 28-degree incidence angle. At the center of the image is a bright feature oriented from upper left to lower right. This is interpreted to be a long ridge with jagged peaks, likely created by methane rainfall erosion. Some of the individual peaks rise about 2,400 feet (800 meters) above the valley floor. The ridge has a considerably gentler slope on its left side (which appears brighter here) than on its right. Frequently, mountains shaped like this on Earth are fractured blocks of the planet's crust, thrusted upward and then tilted, creating a shallow slope on one side and a steeper slope on the fractured, faulted edge. Also presented here is an annotated version of the image, along with a radar image of the Dragoon Mountains in Arizona just east of Tucson. The Dragoon feature represents a tilted fault block, formed by spreading that has occurred across the western U.S., and has a similar shape to that of the Titan ridge. The Dragoon radar image was produced using data from NASA's Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/NGA). Radar illuminates the scene from the left in that image as well. Titan has displayed many features that are strikingly similar to Earth: lakes, seas, rivers, dunes and mountains. Scientists think it possible that, like Earth, the giant moon's crust has experienced familiar processes of uplift and spreading, followed by erosion.

Phillip Phillips The World From The Side Of The Moon (2012)FLACl

Stream channels are generally thought of as forming within confined valley settings, separated by interfluves. Sinuous ridges on Mars and Earth are often interpreted as stream channels inverted by subsequent erosion of valley sides. In the case of the ridge-forming unit (RFU), this interpretation fails to explain the (i) close spacing of the ridges, which are (ii) organized in networks, and which (iii) cover large areas (approximately 175,000 km (exp 2)). Channel networks on terrestrial fans develop unconfined by valley slopes. Large fans (100s km long) are low-angle, fluvial features, documented worldwide, with characteristics that address these aspects of the RFU. Ridge patterns Channels on large fans provide an analog for the sinuous and elongated morphology of RFU ridges, but more especially for other patterns such as subparallel, branching and crossing networks. Branches are related to splays (delta-like distributaries are rare), whose channels can rejoin the main channel. Crossing patterns can be caused by even slight sinuosity splay-related side channels often intersect. An avulsion node distant from the fan apex, gives rise to channels with slightly different, and hence intersecting, orientations. Channels on neighboring fans intersect along the common fan margin. 2. Network density Channels are the dominant feature on large terrestrial fans (lakes and dune fields are minor). Inverted landscapes on subsequently eroded fans thus display indurated channels as networks of significantly close-spaced ridges. 3. Channel networks covering large areas Areas of individual large terrestrial fans can reach >200,000 km 2 (105-6 km 2 with nested fans), providing an analog for the wide area distribution of the RFU.

This high-resolution image of Jupiter's moon Europa, taken by NASA's Galileo spacecraft camera, shows dark, relatively smooth region at the lower right hand corner of the image which may be a place where warm ice has welled up from below. The region is approximately 30 square kilometers in area. An isolated bright hill stands within it. The image also shows two prominent ridges which have different characteristics; youngest ridge runs from left to top right and is about 5 kilometers in width (about 3.1 miles). The ridge has two bright, raised rims and a central valley. The rims of the ridge are rough in texture. The inner and outer walls show bright and dark debris streaming downslope, some of it forming broad fans. This ridge overlies and therefore must be younger than a second ridge running from top to bottom on the left side of the image. This dark 2 km wide ridge is relatively flat, and has smaller-scale ridges and troughs along its length.North is to the top of the picture, and the sun illuminates the surface from the upper left. This image, centered at approximately 14 degrees south latitude and 194 degrees west longitude, covers an area approximately 15 kilometers by 20 kilometers (9 miles by 12 miles). The resolution is 26 meters (85 feet) per picture element. This image was taken on December 16, 1997 at a range of 1300 kilometers (800 miles) by Galileo's solid state imaging system.The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA manages the Galileo mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, DC. JPL is an operating division of California Institute of Technology (Caltech).This image and other images and data received from Galileo are posted on the World Wide Web, on the Galileo mission home page at URL galileo.

This moderate-resolution view of the surface of one of Jupiter's moons, Europa, shows the complex icy crust that has been extensively modified by fracturing and the formation of ridges. The ridge systems superficially resemble highway networks with overpasses, interchanges and junctions. From the relative position of the overlaps, it is possible to determine the age sequence for the ridge sets. For example, while the 8-kilometer-wide (5-mile) ridge set in the lower left corner is younger than most of the terrain seen in this picture, a narrow band cuts across the set toward the bottom of the picture, indicating that the band formed later. In turn, this band is cut by the narrow 2- kilometer-wide (1.2-mile) double ridge running from the lower right to upper left corner of the picture. Also visible are numerous clusters of hills and low domes as large as 9 kilometers (5.5 miles) across, many with associated dark patches of non-ice material. The ridges, hills and domes are considered to be ice-rich material derived from the subsurface. These are some of the youngest features seen on the surface of Europa and could represent geologically young eruptions.This area covers about 140 kilometers by 130 kilometers (87 miles by 81 miles) and is centered at 12.3 degrees north latitude, 268 degrees west longitude. Illumination is from the east (right side of picture). The resolution is about 180 meters (200 yards) per pixel, meaning that the smallest feature visible is about a city block in size. The picture was taken by the Solid State Imaging system on board the Galileo spacecraft on February 20, 1997, from a distance of 17,700 kilometers (11,000 miles) during its sixth orbit around Jupiter.The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, manages the mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington D.C. This image and other images and data received from Galileo are posted on the World Wide Web Galileo mission home page at

This spectacular image taken by NASA's Galileo spacecraft camera shows a region of ridged plains on Jupiter's moon Europa. The plains are comprised of many parallel and cross-cutting ridges, commonly in pairs. The majority of the region is of very bright, but darker material is seen primarily in valleys between ridges. Some of the most prominent ridges have dark deposits along their margins and in their central valleys. Some of this dark material probably moved down the flanks of the ridges and has piled up along their bases. The most prominent ridges are about a kilometer in width (less than a mile). In the top right hand corner of the image the end of a dark wide ridge (about 2 kilometers or 1.2 miles across) is visible. Several deep fractures cut through this ridge and continue into the plains. The brightness of the region suggests that frost covers much of Europa's surface. This image looks different from those obtained earlier in Galileo's mission, because this image was taken with the Sun higher in Europa's sky.This image was taken on December 16, 1997 at a range of 1,300 kilometers (800 miles) by Galileo's solid state imaging system. North is to the top of the picture, and the Sun illuminates the surface from the upper left. This image, centered at approximately 14 degrees south latitude and 194 degrees west longitude, covers an area approximately 20 kilometers (12 miles) on each side. The resolution is 26 meters (85 feet) per picture element.The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA manages the Galileo mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, DC. JPL is an operating division of California Institute of Technology (Caltech).This image and other images and data received from Galileo are posted on the World Wide Web, on the Galileo mission home page at URL galileo.

Large-scale gravitational spreading of steep-sided ridges characterized by linear fissures, trenches, and uphill-facing scarps high on the sides and tops of ridges are known worldwide. Such spreading, termed sackung, is commonly attributed to pervasive plastic deformation of a rock mass, and is here analyzed as such. Beginning with a previously developed exact elastic solution for gravity-induced stresses in a symmetric ridge, stresses calculated from the exact solution are used in the Coulomb failure criterion to determine the extent of ridge failure under self-weight. Finally, when the regions of failure are established, a plastic flow solution is applied to predict the location of and sense of movement on upward-facing scarps near ridge crests and other features common in sackung. ?? 1987 International Assocaition of Engineering Geology. 2ff7e9595c

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